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10) Single wire aluminum grounding lugs. #4-14 gauge .214 (#10) hole. USA
10 pieces. Single wire aluminum grounding lugs. #4-14 gauge .214 (#10) hole. Made in the USA
| GLA-4-LUG |
10) Single wire aluminum grounding lugs. #4-14 gauge .214 (#10) hole. USA
4 AWG Single wire lug, 4-14 AWG wire range, LAY IN type GROUNDING LUG, 3/8" wide, aluminum or copper wire, tin plated aluminum body, plated steel screw, CUAL, grounding use or power use, ZMVV2 (UL Recognized); The final acceptance of the component is dependent upon its installation and use in complete equipment submitted to UL.
One mounting hole, .21 dia. for #10 bolt, serrations on mounting surface to resist lug rotation. UL recognized at 600v - acceptable for use through 2000v Brumall brand.
Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts. Grounding only. Dry locations only. |
This item consists of |
10 pieces, single wire aluminum grounding lugs. #4-14 gauge .214 (#10) hole. USA
Please note. Any tools and/or accessories shown in the photo(s) are not included, only the exact items specified above.
grounding, lighting, lugs, terminals
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